Insurance Continuing Education Provider Number: 2768
24 CE hours total, including:
A state required roster fee of $1.00 per credit hour ordered is required to process course completion hours in Alabama and will be added at the order total upon checkout.
Non-resident adjusters who satisfy the adjuster requirement in their resident state or designated home state will be deemed compliant for the Alabama adjuster requirement.
Nonresident licensees can renew their licenses online here.
Before selling, soliciting, or negotiating annuity products in the District of Columbia, producers must complete a one-time annuity training course approved for at least 4 hours.
The license term is every 2 years, based on the last day of the producer’s birth month.
Producers must complete 3 hours in approved ethics courses. All other hours may be completed by taking courses approved only for the line of authority licensed for. For L/H and P/C combined licenses, producers are required to complete at least 6 hours in each line of authority.
Courses are required to be monitored by a disinterested third party. A disinterested third party is an individual with no family or financial relationship to the student. Therefore a proctor should not serve for examinations of family members, relatives, or dependents; employers or supervisors; employees or subordinates; partners, joint ventures, or co-owners; or anyone in whom the proctor or instructor has an economic or other interest in assuring the successful outcome of the examination.
The final exam must be closed book, and no outside information may be used to complete the exam. For online courses, once the exam is opened, access to the course material is restricted until the exam has been graded. The final exam must be passed with a score of 70 percent or higher to receive credit. If the final exam is not passed on the first attempt, students have an unlimited number of retakes.
Excess CE hours are not allowed to be carried forward to the next 2-year license term.
A course may not be taken for credit more than once within a 2-year license term.
AOIS provides online, printable certificates of completion in DC. Certificates of completion will be available to print online immediately after the final exam is passed. The producer must keep a copy of each certificate of completion in his or her files for the 2-year license term in which the CE was completed.
AOIS usually reports course completions every business day.
Producers can renew their licenses online here.
Nonresident producers are not required to complete the District of Columbia CE requirements as long as the producer is in good standing with his or her home state.
District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking
Phone: 202-727-8000
Fax: 202-535-1196
District of Columbia Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking
Mailing Address:
810 First Street, NE, Suite 701
Washington, DC 20002
How often does AOIS report Insurance CE course completions?
We report completed courses every business day.
Our online courses are quick and easy, and entirely online. And if you miss something, we catch it. Betty, our Office “Captain,” is known for her attention to detail. If you miss a specific requirement or course, she catches it and makes sure that you have what you need.