Insurance Continuing Education Provider Number: 16864
All agents must complete 24 hours of CE biennially – including 3 hours of ethics training.
Property/Casualty agents and Adjusters must complete 3 hours on flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program every four years as part of their overall CE requirement.
Adjusters are required to complete 24 hours biennially – including 3 hours of ethics training.
Nonresident adjusters must complete 12 hours of property/casualty courses approved by North Carolina or by their home state. Proof of compliance and CE filing fee are due annually by March 1.
Nonresident agents are exempt for North Carolina CE requirements if meeting the home state requirement.
Each licensee shall complete 4 hours of continuing education in Long-Term Care Partnership every biennial compliance period thereafter.
Course repetition is not permitted within the compliance/renewal period.
Individual licensee’s compliance date will be determined by the licensee’s birth month and birth year, odd or even. CE requirements must be completed by the last day of the licensee’s birth month every two years.
There are no minimum or maximum requirements for CE credit hours to carryover. Any amount over the required number of CE hours will carry forward to the next biennial compliance period. Any excess ethics or flood CE credits will carryover as general credits.
The National Producer Number (NPN) is required for reporting.
The NC Department of Insurance requires a course reporting fee of $2.05 per credit hour (online, self-study and classroom courses). This state reporting fee will be automatically charged to you when you purchase a course or course package.
Individuals who are at least 65 years old, who have held their license for 25 consecutive years, and who hold a nationally recognized designation (CLU, CPCU, ChFC, FLMI, IIA) are exempt from CE requirements except the required ethics and flood courses.
Phone: 919-807-6800
Mailing Address:
NC Department of Insurance
1201 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-1201
How often does AOIS report Insurance CE course completions?
We report completed courses every business day.
Our online courses are quick and easy, and entirely online. And if you miss something, we catch it. Betty, our Office “Captain,” is known for her attention to detail. If you miss a specific requirement or course, she catches it and makes sure that you have what you need.