Insurance Continuing Education Provider Number: 130279
Life and Health producers and Property and Casualty producers must complete 24 CE hours, including at least 3 but no more than 10 hours of ethics, are required every 2 years. CE must be completed 60 days prior to license expiration date.
All New Hampshire property insurance producers must complete a one-time course related to the National Flood Insurance Program requirement. The licensee will receive 3 hours of CE credits for completing the course.
15 hours of training in the subject of life settlements and life settlement transactions are required annually. CE must be completed 60 days prior to license expiration date.
20 CE hours are required every 2 years. CE must be completed 60 days prior to license expiration date.
15 CE hours are required every 2 years. CE must be completed 60 days prior to license expiration date.
20 CE hours are required every 2 years, of which a minimum of 10 hours must be in courses approved for workers’ compensation credit. CE must be completed 60 days prior to license expiration date.
Frequency: Producers must complete a one-time 4-hour Annuity Suitability Training prior to selling, soliciting, or negotiating annuity products in New Hampshire.
Residents and non-residents who have completed this training in another state with laws similar to New Hampshire’s law will be compliant with the requirement.
A roster fee of $1.00 per CE hour is required to process course completion hours in New Hampshire and will be added to the order upon checkout.
Nonresident multi-line and workers’ compensation adjusters are exempt from CE based on the state in which they reside or their designated home state.
Nonresident public adjusters that do not have a continuing education requirement in their resident state must complete 15 hours of approved NH continuing education.
Producers: license expiration dates will be the last day of the birth month that occurs at least 13 full months, but not more than 25 months, from the effective date of the license, expiration dates will be every 2 years thereafter.
Adjusters: the license renewal date is 10/1 biennially.
CE must be completed 60 days prior to license expiration to avoid penalty.
Producers may take any New Hampshire-approved producer course. Producers may not take courses approved for adjusters only.
Multi-line adjusters may take courses approved for multi-line or workers’ compensation.
Workers’ compensation adjusters must take 20 hours in approved adjuster courses, of which a minimum of 10 hours must be in courses approved for workers’ compensation credit.
Public adjusters must take public adjuster courses only.
Excess hours accumulated during compliance cycle may not be carried over to the next compliance cycle.
A course may not be taken for credit more than once in a 2-year renewal term.
A renewal notice with instructions will be mailed to a producer’s mailing address of record approximately 60 days prior to license expiration. A producer cannot renew a license prior to 60 days before expiration. Non-receipt of a renewal notice does not negate a producer’s responsibility to renew his or her license. All resident producers with major lines of authority must be CE compliant prior to renewal. All renewals are processed electronically via
The following are exempt from New Hampshire CE requirements:
Title insurance producers
Individuals holding any limited or restricted licenses that the commissioner may declare exempt
Individuals holding limited lines licenses for which an exam is not required
All licensees who are renewing a license for the first time
Non-resident producers if compliant in home state
All Nonresident multi-line and workers’ compensation adjusters will be exempt from CE based on the state in which they reside or their designated home state.
Phone: 603-271-0203 or 877-224-0227
Fax: 603-271-7029
New Hampshire Insurance Department
Licensing Division
21 South Fruit St., Ste 14
Concord, NH 03301
How often does AOIS report Insurance CE course completions?
We report completed courses every business day.
Our online courses are quick and easy, and entirely online. And if you miss something, we catch it. Betty, our Office “Captain,” is known for her attention to detail. If you miss a specific requirement or course, she catches it and makes sure that you have what you need.